Monday, May 17, 2010

My new face wash

I read on a friend's blog about her new face cleaning treatment. It's called the Oil Cleansing Method. At first it sounded crazy. Here, I'm going to smear oil over my face in the Florida humidity, and see what happens...
However, once i read the website on how to use oil to clean your face, it kind of made sense. My skin produces natural oil. So, why strip oil from my face with a face wash, only to re-apply fake "oil" through lotions? So i went to the drug store and bought my castor oil and my sunflower seed oil (read the article- it tells you everything).
My face isn't usually a problem, but I've been using this method for about two weeks and love it. My face feels so clean, and it doesn't end up oily at the end of the day like it used to. I recommend giving it a try. Your face will feel oh-so-clean, and it's a lot cheaper then constantly buying face wash!

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