Sunday, June 27, 2010

For all my friends getting married... or having a party

I found this post on a friend's Facebook page:

It is a bunch of free invitation templates (mostly wedding, but you could change them around).
How much fun, esp for the crafty person, like myself.
Some examples- my personal favorites:

LOVE this one

and this one:

and last but not least

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A little self-therapy

I am finishing up my academic career (for now, at least), and i recently got a job as the art therapist at the in-patient psychiatric wing at the hospital. so i'm working almost full-time with breaks for classes, and then fitting in homework, boyfriend, dog, friends, and occasionally sleep in between.
Needless to say, i'm busy.
However, i don't really take time for myself to unwind and relieve stress. how about a little art therapy? isn't is odd that while i'm an art therapist i don't actually practice what i preach?
A little musings in-between writing a research paper and in an 8 hour class on a saturday